To Vision Zero via Science with ITS, 3S Limits & VMS.

& Gullon, A.

This paper shows that the research by which public authorities have sustained their faith that speed is the dominant traffic safety problem (and that general speed limits are the solution) is non-science. After reverseengineering the words and actions of public authorities to arrive at astatement of their Traffic Safety Theory of General Speed Limits it is shown that the theory is scientifically negated by the Phenomenon of 73/4 on European motorways. Finally a route map To Vision Zero via Science with ITS, 3S Limits & VMS is provided.

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C 47240 (In: C 46669 CD-ROM) /73 /80 / ITRD E852983

In: ITS in daily life : proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-25, 2009, 8 p.

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