Visual performance characteristics in vehicles.

Iizuka,H. Yabuta,K. & Tsuda,H.

A study is conducted on two aspects of visibility in vehicles: (1) Readability of instruments; and (2) perception of objects in forward field of vision when reading instruments. Experiments are conducted to analyze quantitatively the effects of display parameters, environment, and age on the above factors in order to produce instrumentation which is easy for older drivers to read. The parameters chosen are display brightness, character size, distance between the eye and display, and location of the display.

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B 30499 (In: B 30451 [electronic version only]) /91 /83/ IRRD 830237

In: 11th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles EVS, Washington, D.C., May 12-15, 1987, p. 450-456

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