Visualising trips and travel characteristics from GPS data.

Stopher, P.R. Bullock, P. & Jiang, Q.

In the past three years, a number of attempts have been made to use Global Positioning System (GPS) devices to measure elements of person travel that have never been successfully measured by conventional interview and self-administered surveys. These maps and other visualisations of the travel are subsequently used in a prompted recall survey, to obtain additional data about the travel that cannot be measured by the GPS devices, such as travel purposes, number in the travelling party, and costs associated with the travel. This paper describes the use of the GPS devices in this type of survey, the paradigms used to convert the track points to coherent trips, examination and correction of the visualised travel, and methods used to prepare maps and other visual tools. Methods to display the trips and other information that can be gained from alternative ways of presenting the data are also outlined in the paper. These include the ability to determine when a person travels in congested conditions, examination of delays at traffic lights and other controlled intersections, and identification of the locations of acceleration and deceleration episodes. (a).

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I E209592 /73 / ITRD E209592

Road And Transport Research. 2003 /06. 12(2) Pp3-14 (7 Refs.)

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