Voor- en nastudie van effecten op de snelheid ten gevolge van herinrichting van enkele buurtontsluitingsstraten in de Gemeente Huizen : eindrapport.

Dijkstra, A.

The reconstruction and redivision of some highways around a residential area in the municipolity of Huizen are studied in a before and after study. Studied aspects were 1. the speed of motorised traffic over the length of the road 2. the modification of speeds on some places of the road and 3. the behaviour of the road users. The study has been done with video and radar equipment. It is concluded that the speed has decreased by the reconstruction of the layout of the road.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 22169 /21/72/ IRRD 269920

Delft, Technische Hogeschool, Laboratorium voor Verkeerskunde, 1983, II + 35 p. + 12 p., fig., grpah., tab., ref.

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