
SVT-werkgroep Voorrangsregelingen.

This SVT-report describes the problem of non-use of directives for taking priority measures. Much is still unknown about the reasons and arguments for and against using priority measures. Probably many prejudices concerning negative effects have a big influence. By means of asking more than 100 Netherlands local authorities to fill in a questionnaire, it was possible to find out the policy adopted, both in and outside built-up areas. The results show that lack of knowledge concerning the effects on traffic safety and speed are the main reasons for taking or deciding not to take traffic priority measures. This information and further detailed investigations will be used to draft recommendations.

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B 23509 /72 / IRRD 279015

Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Studiecentrum Verkeerstechniek SVT, 1984, 68 p., fig., tab.; SVT Mededeling No. 24 - ISBN 90-6628-020-4

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