Voorzieningen voor het autoverkeer in en rond de stad. Pre-adviezen voor de Congresdag 1968 van de Vereniging `Het Nederlandse Wegencongres', Utrecht, 12 december 1968.


Four authors have written reports for the "Congress Day 1968" held on 12th December 1968 in Utrecht. De Gier describes the provision for motor car traffic in and around Amsterdam. Hogendoorn describes provision for motor car traffic in and around Utrecht. Spaargaren reports on the provisions for motor car traffic in and around Arnhem. Sill reports on motorways in the cities and its suburbs. Here Hamburg is the starting point. Amongst other things a design for a tunnel under the Elbe is discussed.

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A 1977 IRRD 45782

's-Gravenhage, Vereniging `Het Nederlandse Wegencongres', 1968, 123 p., foto's, tekn., plattegr., ref.

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