VSR program - Vehicle and Safety on Road - state of the art at Midway.

Hamon, J.

The Vehicle and Safety on the Road (VSR) Program runs from 1993 to 1998, sponsored by the European Commission. VSR is organised around four main aspects: (1) increasing the knowledge of accident causes and analysing in depth their consequences; (2) preventing situations leading to accidents; (3) avoiding the situations which cause accidents; and (4) protecting the occupant when impact does occur. This paper describes the research so far and describes some of the results. The program is built upon a strong cooperation between car manufacturers, suppliers of the automotive industry, managers of the road network and scientific laboratories, particularly INRETS.

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C 11479 (In: C 11439 [electronic version only]) /80 /91 / IRRD 896568

In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Melbourne, Australia, 13-16 May 1996, Volume 1, p. 478-485, 11 ref.

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