The VTI flat bed tyre test facility

a new tool for testing commercial tyre characteristics. Reprint from SAE Technical paper series, SP 1003 "The influence of tire, axle and brake characteristics on truck braking and steering performance", paper 933006, p. 13-23, held at the International truck and bus meeting and expostition, Detroit, Michigan, November 1-4, 1993.
Nordström, O.

An indoor climate controlled high speed flat bed tyre test facility has been developed primarily for testing on ice. High friction tests are also possible. Braking and steering characteristics of heavy truck and car tyres can be measured. The facility has a stationary test wheel rig that rotates 90 degrees and a 55 m long moving steel track. The maximum speed is 40 km/h. Motions and wheel load are operated by computer controlled hydraulic actuators. Results from heavy truck tyre measurements on ice and dry steel show good correlation with vehicle tests. Passenger car tyres have also been succesfully tested.

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942036 ST S

Linköping, Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1994, 23 p., 1 ref.; VTI särtryck ; 220 - ISSN 1102-626X

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