VVR-GIS 3.0 : beschrijving en verantwoording van de rekenkern.

Reurings, M.C.B. Wijnen, W. & Vis, M.A.

VVR-GIS 3.0; Description and justification of the calculation kernel. The purpose of VVR-GIS 3.0 is to assist road authorities and policymakers in drawing up and substantiating traffic and transport plans. With VVR-GIS 3.0 it is possible to estimate the effects of regional and local road safety measures in different plans. These estimates can then be compared among themselves or with the targets. This can be the basis on which a region can determine whether a plan is feasible and whether it meets the regional target. As VVR-GIS 3.0 also performs a cost-benefit calculation, the user can determine which plan is most cost-effective.


C 46158 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / ITRD E219340

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2009, 91 p., 23 ref.; R-2009-10


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