Waardenoriëntaties en voorlichting : verslag van een veldexperiment. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, Afdeling VLP.

Veling, I.H. & Wilbers, P.T.

Values and norms play an important role in society. Values play also an important role in the communication between the policy of the government and the citizen. Little is known however about the role of values. It is not clear if the governmental publicity could have more effect if the publicity is better directed to the orientations of values by the target groups. A comparison is made out between two groups of people from which the orientation of the values was aimed at durability or hedonism. Keywords of the durability are: intelligent, healthy, safe and environmental friendly. Keywords for the hedonism are: enjoyable, time saving and free. In the experiment a publication leaflet on the speed limit of 100 km/h on motorways was used. The leaflet was designed for the two target groups. Analysis of the results shows no real modification in attitudes. Information by a simple leaflet can be effectful, on the condition that the leaflets are read.

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C 8159 /72 /83 / IRRD 890419

Veenendaal, Traffic Test, 1996, II + 27 + 38 p., 35 ref.; TT 96-34

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