Waarom Transferium doen als het P+R kan ?

Bruin, R.A. de Salverda, J.C. & Harteveld, C.

Dutch policy looks upon the realisation of the transferium concept as one of the instruments to control the growth of car use. A transferium can be defined as a Park and Ride (P+R) lot which has extra facilities. When planning and designing transferia, it is therefore relevant to research the current P+R usage. In this study a number of P+R lots were researched at week-days and at the week-end. A distinction was made between public transport users and users of P+R with other motives. Also, non-P+R users were sent a questionnaire. As a result of the study a number of recommendations is presented.

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C 928 (In: C 917 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 856929

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1992 : innovatie in verkeer en vervoer, Rotterdam, 26-27 november 1992, p. 211-228, 3 ref.

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