Walcyng [sic] in New Zealand : an analysis of readiness to change.

Sullivan, C. & O'Fallon, C.

In 2003, Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC) and the Cancer Society of New Zealand commissioned a major nationwide survey to segment adult New Zealanders in terms of physical activity and healthy eating habits. The questionnaire, based on previous work by the American Cancer Society, included several questions about current usage of, and attitudes toward, active transport (particularly cycling, and to a lesser extent walking). The resulting Obstacles to Action database (with responses from over 8000 people aged 16 or over) thus provides opportunities to analyse transport responses with a larger sample size than is usual with New Zealand surveys. The focus of this paper is on one aspect of that report, namely the stage of change questions that build on the detailed development work done in the UK by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). The transtheoretical model of change, or stages of change model, is widely used in New Zealand and overseas to promote major changes in behaviour (e.g. quitting smoking, increasing intake of fruit and vegetables, alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse, safer sex). There is also evidence that approaches based on this model are effective for promoting physical activity in general. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214666.

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C 39311 (In: C 39229) [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E214748

In: ATRF06 : conference proceedings 29th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, September 2006, 12 p.

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