Walking and automobile traffic near schools : data to support an evaluation of school pedestrian safety programs.

Anderson, C. Boarnet, M. McMillan, T. Alfonzo, M. & Day, K.

Pedestrian injuries among children are an important transportation issue. Several recent policy initiatives have focused on reducing childhood pedestrian injuries in the United States, yet those efforts exist within a context of limited and often insufficient data. This paper describes new data that can give much more detailed information on the determinants of pedestrian safety near schools. The data were developed to support an ongoing evaluation of a major childhood pedestrian safety program – the California Safe Routes to School construction program. (Author/publisher)

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C 25472 [electronic version only]

Irvine, CA, University of California at Irvine, Institute of Transportation Studies ITS, 2002, 16 p., 14 ref.; Working Paper ; UCI-ITS-WP-02-17

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