Warrants for highway lighting.

Walton, N.E. & Rowan, N.J.

The report presents a design process for highway lighting, based on the concept that the purpose of lighting is to improve nighttime visual communications efficiency through provision of the motorist's informational needs, which are classified on the basis of varying geometric, operational and environmental conditions within the highway system. A priority model has been developed based on lighting effectiveness, vehicles or people served, light intensity, size of facility, and annual costs. The report illustrates how to apply the process and how to make cost-effectiveness evaluations of lighting-design alternatives.


B 15100 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Highway Research Board HRB, 1974, 117 p., 220 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP ; Report 152 - ISBN 0-309-02303-3

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