Water-plastic crash attenuation system : test performance and model prediction.

Warner,C.Y. & Free, J.C.

The results of a model performance study on the hi-dro cushion cell barrier (water-plastic impact cushion) was presented. A digital computer model was constructed to represent the dynamic response of the cushion system. The model was verified by comparing with actual full-scale crash tests. The verified model was then exercised to provide prediction of response to extremes of vehicle mass and speed. The simulated performance of the barrier is presented and compared with the square-wave of "constant-force" cushion. Predictions show that the water-plastic unit provides good performance across the spectrum of impacting vehicle momenta, and that it provides a response that takes advantage of almost all of the available stopping distance for impacts between 30 and 70 mph, employing vehicles weighing from 2,000 to 6,000 pounds. (Author/publisher)

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A 7079 (In: A 7297 S)

In: Highway Research Record, No. 343, 1971, p. 83-92, 7 ref.

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