Werkplan 2003 Regionaal Orgaan voor de Verkeersveiligheid in Friesland ROF.

Fleer, E.

Commisioned by the Dutch Province of Friesland, this working plan for 2003 was drawn up for the Friesland Provincial Road Safety Board (ROF). The working plan describes the proposed activities of the different ROF partners. The aim of the working plan is to achieve a consistent, coherent, and effective approach to road safety problems in this province. The working plan is related to the Friesland long-term road safety plan for the period 1998-2002. The working plan contains 11 clusters of activities, and attention is paid, among other things, to traffic education, driver (re)training, and traffic enforcement. Per cluster, projects are presented that are strongly related to each other concerning their contents. Not the separate projects, but the clusters themselves are financed.

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C 25130 [electronic version only]

Leeuwarden, Regionaal Orgaan voor de Verkeersveiligheid in Friesland ROF, 2002, 81 p.; TT02-79

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