Werktijdkeuze bij het vermijden van congestie.

Vanderschuren, M. & Tacken, M.

Home- work trips take place on a regional scale. This causes a concentration of traffic in time and space, which often leads to congestion. A policy aimed on adaptation and extension of infrastructure has to be sustained by a policy aimed on time management. The unpredictability of the trip duration appeared to be a minor factor. Most of the people are willing to change their working hours with more than a whole hour, above all when they can use a route without any congestion.

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B 29353 (In: B 29301 [electronic version only]) /71 /72 /73 / IRRD 825754

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1989, Deel II: Overige bijdragen, p. 881-900, 9 ref.

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