Wet-pavement safety programs.

Dahir, S.H.M. & Gramling, W.L.

Information is provided on the programs used by a number of agencies in gathering data and correcting areas of potential wet-weather accidents. Wet-pavement accidents continue to be of concern to highway agencies. This report of the Transportation Research Board summarises agencies' programs in areas such as accident reporting, vehicle testing, friction testing, corrective actions for problem areas, and tort liability and gives some general guidelines for the content of a wet-pavement safety program. (A)


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Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB, 1990, 54 p., 25 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 158 - ISSN 0547-5570 / ISBN 0-309-04904-0

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