Wetter und Verkehrsunfälle.

Müller, K.

This work investigates the relation between road accidents and resulting injuries and the weather conditions prevailing at the time. 1495 road accident patients treated as out-patients during 1973 by the surgical clinic, rechts der isar, of the munich technical university have been investigated. Of these 425 were accidents which happened going to or coming home from work (industrial accidents). the investigations were carried out in accordance with the medical-meteorological working model of ungeheuer and brezowsky. The results were checked for their importance. The statistical check was carried out using jessel's formula. Using statistical means it was shown that when biologically unfavourable weather conditions exist there is an increase in the number of accidents and during biologically favourable weather conditions there is a decrease. Results obtained confirm the work of various authors and are generally in agreement with them. The practical significance for the road user is that it provides a much closer understanding of the biological stress caused by certain weather conditions. For a practical application of this, when weather forecasts are given and weather conditions with increased biological stress properties are expected, the possibility of increased danger on the roads should be clearly pointed out. There should be more publicised work on this subject. Such information can contribute to road accident prevention.

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B 18805 fo /83 / IRRD 307504

München, Technische Universität München, Fachbereich für Medizin, 1975, 47 p., 31 ref.

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