`What does traffic enforcement mean ?' : a comparison between two countries.

Zaidel, D.M. & Mäkinen, T.

This paper compares traffic enforcement systems in Israel and Finland. The two countries are similar in population size and traffic activity but different in land size, level of urbanisation, and length of the road network. The enforcement systems are compared in terms of organisation and size, resources, strategies of operation, process outputs, and their direct impact on their respective driver populations. Patrolling officers in both systems do similar things, but in quite different proportions. In Finland, traffic police invests in massive monitoring traffic activity, on random checks of drivers and vehicles, focusing on a few basic safety problems. The problems are defined in terms of traffic, driver, or vehicle conditions which create driver errors and other hazards. In Israel, traffic police spreads its resources on a wider range of problems that are viewed from a perspective of accident locations and driver violations associated with the accidents. International comparisons are instructive for identifying ways of doing "better enforcement" rather than just "more enforcement". (A)

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C 10967 (In: C 10958 [electronic version only]) /73 / IRRD 491133

In: Book of abstracts of the international working conference `Traffic Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety', Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, 12-13 September 1996, p. 82-99

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