To what extent to conflict-studies replace accident analysis? : validation of conflict-studies : an international review.

Engel, U.

Despite a numerous amount of validation studies, no convincing results have been documented up till now regarding a general relation between traffic conflicts and traffic accidents. The different studies are very unequal. Traffic conflict observations tend to be looked upon either as a diagnostic tool or a predictive tool.Most efforts seem however to be concentrated on the evaluation of the conflicts as predictive parameters.

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B 27825 (In: B 27801 [electronic version only]) /80 / IRRD 117399

In: EVALUATION 85 : Colloque International sur l'Évaluation des Mesures Locales de Sécurité Routière, Paris, 20-23 mai 1985, Volume II, p. 324-343, 78 ref.

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