Wheelchair user perception of road roughness.

Oeda, Y. Sumi, T. & Vandebona, U.

This paper proposes a method to evaluate road roughness and pavement gaps from the viewpoint of wheelchair users. Several wheelchair users travelled over surfaces with known level of roughness. The perceived level of discomfort is recorded in a graded scale. This allowed the research team to identify the function form for the relationship between the degree of vibration and the perceived degree of discomfort. Also, in order to predict a vibration of road surface, this paper proposes a theoretical model based on the spring-mass analogy. The field results have been compared with this model. The results show a good agreement between the theoretical model results and field observations. Using the function form for the discomfort and the theoretical model is able to allow planners to estimate the vibration induced discomfort on wheelchair users using roads. This is a reliable tool for new road construction authorities as well as maintenance agencies. Furthermore, the methodology is useful in understanding the root cause of complaints by users of uneven road surfaces. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210413.

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C 29009 (In: C 28997 CD-ROM) /23 /91 / ITRD E210352

In: ATRF03 : [proceedings of the] 26th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) : leading transport research in the 21st century, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-3 October 2003, 14 p.

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