When technology tells you how you drive - truck drivers' attitudes towards feedback by technology.

Roetting, M. Huang-Y, H. McDevitt, J.R. & Melton, D.

Behavior based safety approaches have proven effective in reducing accidents in industrial settings, but cannot easily be extended to commercial driving. For considerable periods of working time, truck drivers are alone, and do not interact with peers. It might be possible to use data gathered by new in-vehicle technology to provide real-time and post-shift feedback to drivers about their driving behavior. This paper reports the results of focus group interviews conducted with subject matter experts from the trucking industry (truck drivers, supervisors, managers, and other involved persons, such as insurance industry safety professionals). The focus groups discussed safety critical behaviors in commercial driving, the best way to provide feedback to truck drivers, and benefits of feedback by technology as well as concerns drivers and operators may have regarding monitoring and feedback systems. The focus group discussions showed that, in general, drivers would like to receive more feedback and that feedback by technology is acceptable, if designed and implemented properly. In addition, the participants had many suggestions on how to properly design and implement such systems. (A) "Reprinted with permission from Elsevier".

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I E119970 /83 /91 / ITRD E119970

Transportation Research, Part F. 2003 / 12. 6f(4) Pp275-87 (12 Refs.)

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