
Baker, S.

Head restraints are an important part of a car's safety equipment. A survey by the Motor Insurance Industry Repair Research Centre (Thatcham) showed that 70% of drivers and front passengers had their head restraints incorrectly adjusted. Most were set too low or angled too far back, increasing the risk of whiplash in the event of a road crash. Whiplash is a key factor contributing to the high cost of motor insurance premiums. Thatcham engineers have studied the use and effectiveness of car head restraints using crash data-recording dummies. Car manufacturers have responded by improving whiplash protection. Measures include integral head restraints as part of the seat-back and active head restraints. The symptoms of whiplash are outlined. The correct position for a head restraint is explained.

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C 28103 [electronic version only] /84 /91 / ITRD E120147

Good Motoring Magazine, October 17, 2003, p. 33-34

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