Whiplashclaims na 8 juni 2001? : whiplashclaims nader beschouwd naar aanleiding van HR 8 juni 2001, VR 2001, 168 m.nt GMvW, NJ 2001, 433 (Zwolsche Algemeene/De Greef).

Jager, F. de Geeraths, D. & Reinders, E.

The High Court confirmed a judgement of the Court of 's-Hertogenbosch dated 19th April 1999 in which the court judges that, in the case of a post-whiplash syndrome (to be referred to as PWS), no all too heavy demands may be made, and that the damage sufferer must produce evidence of a) the claims and b) the causal relation with the accident. The value of the judgement of the High Court is relative, seeing as the court's judgement apparently was not a point of dispute between the parties. However, it unmistakably plays a part in settling PWS claims, within the framework of the amicable arrangements as well as procedures, and, therefore, constitutes a good occasion to further consider PWS claims.

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C 24355 [electronic version only]

Verkeersrecht, Vol. 50 (2002), No. 2, p. 42-45

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