White paper: compliance, safety, accountability : assessing the new safety measurement system and its implications – 2013 update.

Weber, A.J.

ATRI utilized a longitudinal research approach to compare meaningful differences in driver perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of CSA. ATRI surveyed participants utilizing an online survey, as well as in-person surveys conducted at several truck driver-focused events including the Mid-America Trucking Shows (MATS; 2011, 2012 and 2013) and the 2012 Georgia Truck Driving Championships. In 2011, ATRI administered a baseline CSA survey that examined driver and carrier perceptions of employment trends, safety behaviors and other impacts associated with the program’s nationwide deployment in December 2010. ATRI also developed and administered a 14-item CSA knowledge test which assessed driver and carrier ability to separate CSA facts from CSA myths that were circulating in the industry, as well as understand key program components. In 2012, ATRI administered the CSA survey to drivers, carriers, shippers and law enforcement members of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). In addition to the survey, drivers and carriers completed the 14-item knowledge test. The combined findings of the 2011 and 2012 data collection activities are described in the report, Compliance, Safety, Accountability: Evaluating a New Measurement System and Its Implications. For the 2013 data collection, ATRI updated the CSA knowledge test to reflect the re-naming of two of the BASICs. No other components of the knowledge test were altered. ATRI once again administered the CSA survey and knowledge test to drivers. In addition, ATRI partnered with CVSA to administer the CSA knowledge test to law enforcement personnel (utilizing an online survey). (Author/publisher) A copy of this report is available from ATRI at http://www.atri-online.org

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20140130 ST [electronic version only]

Arlington, VA, American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), 2014, IV + 36 p., ref.

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