Why and how to test airbags.

Webb, B.

This paper, published in bullet points in its computer slide format, considers reasons to test airbags and three options for testing, concentrating on one testing system, the Microsys SureFire system. Testing is carried out to validate design and production processes and in response to commercial and customer demands. Issues to consider include data integrity, test flexibility and repeatability, simplicity of use, consistency of results, and support for corporate quality standards. Test automation improves safety for staff and minimises procedural errors. Three testing options are presented. Build-your-own uses in-house skills and can be cheaper, but is difficult to guarantee and upgrade. Outsourcing can be good for low test volumes but can be costly and have high turnaround times. Buying a commercially produced system provides flexible capability with warranty and product support but has higher initial costs. An overview is given of the SureFire system with its PowerPlay toolkit for data analysis. For the covering abstract see ITRD E126782.

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C 34319 (In: C 34286) /91 / ITRD E126815

In: Proceedings of the 6th international symposium and exhibition on sophisticated car occupant safety systems - Airbag 2002 - held Karlsruhe, Germany, December 2002, p. 38.1-38.19

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