Wildlife accident reporting : a fundamental element in B.C.'s mitigation efforts.

Sielecki, L.E.

Wildlife-related motor vehicle accidents are becoming an increasingly significant environmental and public relations problem for transportation agencies. Nationally, growing public expectations for motorist safety and the protection of endangered species, as well as the increasing political influence of wildlife advocacy organizations, are forcing transportation officials to address the wildlife accident situation. Without fundamental, long-term information on wildlife accident types, locations and trends, transportation officials can not avoid the risk of marginal, ad hoc decisions regarding accident mitigation efforts. At present, only British Columbia has a comprehensive, province-wide system for reporting and analyzing highway-related wildlife accidents. Since 1978, the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation (BCMoT) has used its Wildlife Accident Reporting System (WARS) to systematically record the location, number and type of wildlife accidents reported by its Maintenance Contractors. The WARS database contains long-term wildlife-related accident records that cannot be assembled or extrapolated from any other information sources.

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C 36389 (In: C 36376 CD-ROM) [electronic version only] /15 /81 / ITRD E211278

In: The transportation factor : proceedings of the 2003 annual conference and exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada TAC, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, September 21-24, 2003, 20 p.

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