Wind load provisions in 2001 AASHTO supports specifications.

Fouad, F.H. & Calvert, E.

The AASHTO "Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals" (Supports Specifications) has been revised in its entirety through a major research project conducted under the auspices of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP Project 17-10). The new document was approved in 1999 by all state departments of transportation for adoption by AASHTO and was published in 2001. A major part of the revisions included new provisions and criteria for wind loads. These provisions differ considerably from those in previous editions of the specifications. A review of the changes in the wind load provisions of the 2001 Supports Specifications is presented. These changes, which are primarily due to the adoption of a new wind speed map based on a 3-s gust, could result in a significant increase in the magnitude of wind pressure in hurricane areas and a decrease in inland areas depending on location and structure type.

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C 33076 (In: C 33074 S [electronic version only]) /20 / ITRD E828630

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1845) pp10-18 (3 Fig., 4 Tab., 18 Ref.)

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