Wonen en werken in balans in de Noordelijke Randstad.

Riechelmann, F. & Brohm, K.A.

Balancing work and home in the northern Rim City In town planning it is unusual for traffic planning considerations to play a determining role in the choice of locations. On the contrary, in the Netherlands, even in Amsterdam, it tends to be the sociologists and economists who determine the location of residential and commercial developments. We believe that the possibilities of the existing and future infrastructure should also play a significant part in any such developments. By using the Amsterdam Traffic and Transport model Genmod, a strategic model has been developed as a resource to help in the process of identifying those locations in the Northern Rim City most suited for both residential and commercial development in terms of use of the existing infrastructure and the improvement of accessibility. (Author/publisher)

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20021822 a28 ST (In: ST 20021822 a [electronic version only])

In: De kunst van het verleiden : 29ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 28 en 29 november 2002, deel 1, p. 479-495, 6 ref.

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