Wooneenheden onder de loep : autobezit en stallingsnormen : besparingen op ruimtebeslag zeker mogelijk.

Berendsen, P.A.H.M. & Lemkes, M.J.

The municipal survey department of Utrecht has been investigating the extent to which parking provisions are being used by those living in housing-units, and their car ownership. In a new residential area in Utrecht a surplus in parking places was found. At first it was supposed that this was caused by low car ownership among those living in housing-units. After all it appears that the surplus in parking places can be primarily ascribed to car ownership of those living in houses. Based on the study results the parking standards for houses were lowered and those for housing-units adapted.

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B 22355 T /72/ IRRD 271128

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 34 (1983), No. 7 (juli), p. 337-341, 1 fig., 8 tab.

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