Work-related road safety as a conduit for community road safety.

Murray, W. & Watson, B.

The aim of this paper is to review the potential of work-related road safety as a conduit for community road safety based on research and practical experience. It covers the opportunity to target young people, family and community members through the workplace as part of a holistic approach to occupational road safety informed by the Haddon Matrix. Detailed case studies are presented based on British Telecom and Wolseley, which have both committed to community-based initiatives as part of their long-term, ongoing work-related road safety programs. Although no detailed community-based collision outcomes are available, the paper concludes that work-related road safety can be a conduit for community road safety and can provide an opportunity for researchers, policy makers and practitioners. (Author/publisher)

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I E219509 /83 / ITRD E219509

Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety. 2010 /05. 21(2) Pp65-71

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