Work-related versus non-work-related road accidents, developments in the last decade in France.

Charbotel, B. Martin, J.L. & Chiron, M.

The aim of this research was to analyze the changes that have affected work-related road accidents between 1997 and 2006, using police data. The study focused on drivers aged between 14 and 64 years. The characteristics considered were the age, gender, type of vehicle and occupation of the individuals involved and the location, time and severity of the accident. Two periods were compared, 1997-2000 and 2003-2006. Three types of journey were considered: while at work, commuting (going to and from work), and non-work-related._The percentage of all accidents which were work-related varied little over the decade (10% while at work and 18% while commuting). The accidents that occurred while at work still had the lowest fatality rates (1.4% among women and 3.4% among men in 2003-2006). Men accounted for the majority of the casualties: 90% of fatalities while at work and approximately 80% for the other types of journey. The greatest reduction took place in the number of motorists, and this has led to an increase in the proportion of motorized two-wheelers both while at work and while commuting. In the case of accidents while at work, the professional drivers still had thehighest risk, craftsmen and shopkeepers were also at higher risk than manual workers of both genders and male employees. Extending analysis of thistype to other European countries would be of major interest both for epidemiological monitoring and the prevention of occupational road accidents. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E145173 [electronic version only] /80 /81 / ITRD E145173

Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2010 /03. 42(2) Pp604-611 (17 Refs.)

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