Wrecked : DVD resource with discussion guide + factsheets.


Wrecked has been designed to be simply viewed and then discussed. Discussions can be based around placing the blame, discussing the consequences, posing prevention measures and any topic or direction you would like to lead the discussion toward. Each story has been written to be balanced, promoting open discussion and debate. It is your role as the presenter of this material to guide the discussion. Although it is important that the discussion be guided, and not dictated. The guidelines throughout this booklet are here to help you guide each debate including important heated discussion points. The discussion points included in this booklet are here for when you feel that you need help, although there is no pressure to stick to this formula when using the material. Create your own points and take your discussions in directions that you may believe to be important in relation to the group you are delivering to. Use the Wrecked resource in line with your own presentation style, while striving to not preach, dictate or lecture. Let the group evolve the discussion on their own with you as the unbiased mediator. When a discussion heads in one direction pose a question that can help balance it toward the other. Allow the group to reach their own conclusion upon each story, while guiding them towards the correct legal and moral standpoints. Pause points have been added to each video clip. The countdown to each pause point is located at the top left of the screen 5 seconds before the pause button should be pressed. At these points the appropriate question should be `What do you think is going to happen next?'. All other discussion points are best left until the video clip has been played to completion, although you may find an individual method of delivery that works best for you. (Author/publisher)

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20122143 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport DfT, [2011], 45 + 22 p. + 2 DVDs

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