Wrijvingskrachten onder invloed van voertuigtrillingen. Deel 1

Onderzoek naar de invloed van voertuigtrillingen in vertikale richting op het verplaatsen van lading, ten opzichte van het voertuig, met behulp van een "mechanische simulator". Deel II
Schilperoord, A. & Rolff, T.

This report contains an inquiry into a method to determine the effect of vertical vibration on frictional forces. Starting point in this report is the specific application of relative truckload shifting (for stiff or nonstiff piece-goods). This methods makes use of a mechanical simulator of a truckfloor. Several factors that may affect the shifting of loads can be varied and if necesary be measured. To illustrate how this model works, a small number of measurements have been carried out. These measurements also indicate the effects of these variables to the horizontal movement of the load on the truckfloor. (Author/publisher)

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781004 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, Instituut voor Wegtransportmiddelen IW TNO WT, 1978, 59 p. + app., 11 ref.

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