Wrong way driving

What we know, what we are doing, and where are we going
Transportation Research Board TRB

TRB conducted a webinar on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 that focused on wrong-way driving. Wrong-way driving has been a problem since the beginning of the interstate highway system but they are much more likely to result in fatal and serious injuries than are other types of highway accidents. This webinar explored recent and ongoing efforts to mitigate wrong-way driving on limited access highways.

The slides contain:
* Wrong way driving : new focus on a persistent problem by Mark Doctor;
* Wrong way driver project by John Gianotti;
* Wrong-way driving detection and prevention system : a pilot deployment by Bryan Homayouni;
* Mitigating wrong-way driving (WWD) using connected vehicles (CV) by Melisa D. Finley.


20220356 ST [electronic version only]

TRB Webinar, April 20, 2016

Gepubliceerd door
Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C.

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