XXL on the Move: Results from Dutch Ems Trial.

Kievit, E.R. de & Aarts, L.

In the period starting the middle of 2004 until November 2006, the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management has carried out an experiment with longer and heavier vehicle combinations (LHV's or EcoCombi's) on Dutch roads. This study offers the opportunity to experiment, under strict conditions, with combinations with a maximum gross mass of 60 ton (allowed by Dutch law: 50 ton) and a maximum length of 2525m (allowed by Dutchlaw: 18.75m). Because the combinations are composed of regular componentsthey are referred to as European Modular System (EMS). Objectives were togain insight in the (generalised national) effects on: traffic safety (both objective and subjective); modal shift; use of infrastructure; competitiveness of road transport sector; and savings on fuel, mileage, and emissions. A dataset of 66 companies driving with 100 EMS were used to analyse these effects. Based on these results the Minister of Transport has decidedin September 2006 on a more permanent allowance of EMS on Dutch roads. With regard to effects on road maintenance (pavements, use of Infrastructure, and bridges) as well as effects on traffic Management, more in-depth studies are now conducted. Results will be available at the end of this year.The results and experiences of the 2-year experiment, together with the results of the in-depth studies, are the subject of this paper. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 49053 (In: C 48739 DVD) /91 /96 / ITRD E139811

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 12 p.

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