Yhdistettyjen kuljetusten taloudellinen kayttoalue. (The economical area of operation of combined transport.)

Iikkanen, P.

Combined transport is based on the co-operation between two or more transport modes in which goods are transported in the same body during the whole journey. The most frequently used bodies are demountable bodies, containers, and trailers. The costs of transport by different modes were compared in the study. The combined transport was best suited for long distance transport of large consignments. In addition to the transport distance and the consignment size, the profitability of the combined transport depends especially on the length of the feeder transport and the rail transport arrangement. As the length of the feeder transport increases the profitability of the combined transport decreases.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 10609 /10 /72 / IRRD 285513

Espoo, Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), 1985, 48 p., 13 ref.; Tiedotteita 486 - ISSN 0358-5085 / ISBN 951-38-2396-2

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