Yleinen 80 km/h nopensrajoitus 1974 : vaikutukset liikenneonnettomuuksiin.

Salusjärvi, M.

The report deals with the effects of the general speed limit on road accidents during January through June 1974.The effects of speed limit on accidents occurred on public roads were first investigated by explaining figures by province and month. Secondly, the dependence of decrease in accidents on road category as related to weather, visibility, and illumination conditions was examined. Thirdly, the effects of the general speed limit were compared to those of road section speed limits under varying road and traffic conditions. See also B 8422.

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B 9457 /73.3 /

Helsinki, Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (VTT), Tie-Ja Liikennelaboratorio, 1976, 117 p. + app., ref.; Tiedonanto 22 - ISSN 0355-3523

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