The young driver study.

Ivers, R. Norton, R. Blows, S. Woodward, M. Stevenson, M. Williamson, A. Eisenbruch, M. & Lam, L.

Reliable evidence about the causes of young driver injuries is required if the substantial burden imposed by such injuries on young people in Australia and internationally is to be reduced. The specific risk factors to be examined in this study include pre-licence road and driving exposure/experience; type, quality and quantity of driver training; and road risk perceptions and engagement in sensation seeking behaviours. The study will provide reliable evidence on risk factors for motor vehicle crash injury among young drivers. Such information should be of value to driver training and road safety professionals, in the design of practical road safety strategies aimed at reducing the burden of young driver injuries. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208180.

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C 27286 (In: C 27276 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E208190

In: Developing safer drivers and riders : proceedings national conference on developing safer drivers and riders, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 21 - 23 July 2002, 7 p., 24 ref.

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