Young drivers at work : workshop facilitator's notes.


In 2008, RoSPA conducted a ‘Young Drivers at Work Study’ among employers who have young staff (17-24 years) who drive as part of their work, and young at-work drivers themselves. Based on this research RoSPA developed a Young Drivers at Work Workshop. The aims of the workshop are to: Develop the participants’ knowledge about the specific issues to do with driving for work raised by employers in the Young Drivers at Work report; Help young at-work drivers understand how they can develop the additional skills they need when driving for work; Identify new ways that the employer can help their younger drivers use the road safely, by understanding the influence that they are having from the perspective of their young drivers. This document is the Facilitator’s Notes which contains practical advice from RoSPA’s experiences of running the pilot workshops. (Author/publisher)

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20100495 ST [electronic version only]

Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 2010, 21 p.

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