Young pedestrians.

Christie, N.

Children in the lowest social class are five times more likely to be killed as pedestrians compared with those in the highest class. Children from deprived families are more likely to live in older inner cities where there are more risks. They are more likely to play out in the streets. Two approaches to safety are used in the UK: educating the child to cope with the traffic and adapting the traffic environment to protect the child. Traffic calming measures and 20 mph zones are being introduced. The Department of Transport is promoting education and training approaches, including a pedestrian training scheme in deprived areas. Many road safety pressure groups believe that road safety education should be compulsory in schools. Local authorities could consider providing more widespread and cheaper facilities and play schemes, combined with accessible transport to provide an alternative to street-based recreation.

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C 29615 [electronic version only] /83 /85 / ITRD E121378

Good Motoring, Vol. 64 (2003), No. 2, 2 p.

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