Youth and road safety action kit.

Ghusayni, N.

YOURS - Youth for Road Safety is a unique global youth-led organisation that acts to make the world’s roads safe for young people. YOURS has three focus areas: advocating for youth and road safety issues; inspiring young people and enabling them to network and share information; and developing young people’s capacities, their understanding and skills. YOURS has a growing global youth network for road safety, striving to include youth representatives in all countries in the world working together to beat the global road safety crisis. YOURS is also an official member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration. The Youth and Road Safety Action Kit is for youth around the world, regardless of their location, background, or experience. It is also a handy resource for young individuals and organisations already active in road safety. The Kit consists of three parts. The first part provides information on the global road safety crisis with a particular focus on young people. The second is a guide on how you can get on board. It gives you ideas for what you can do and provides basic information you need to implement your own road safety projects. The third part consists of a set of briefings on key actions and processes that can make your project a success: building partnerships; community participation; networking; and fundraising. Throughout the Kit you will also find exciting examples of projects other young people have carried out to give you inspiration. The Kit is intended as a simple guide for increasing youth involvement in road safety. Therefore it does not cover topics in detail but provides summary information and directs you to where you can find out more. Throughout the text, you will find key terms highlighted, with definitions given in the glossary on pg 44. For more information about road safety and to help you in implementing your road safety project, check out all the references used for this Kit and additional material in the Resources section on YOURS’ website, (Author/publisher)

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20120770 ST [electronic version only]

Amsterdam, YOURS (Youth for Road Safety), 2012, 46 p., 18 ref. - ISBN 978-90-9026297-0

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