Zero alcohol and other options : limits for truck and bus drivers.

Transportation Research Board TRB, Committee on Benefits and Costs of Alternative Federal Blood Alcohol Concentration Standards for Commercial Vehicle Operations; Perrine, M.W. (chair)

Tis study concludes in the main that any consumption of alcohol on the job by commercial vehicle drivers is inappropriate and incompatible with traffic safety. Majority (three quarters) recommendations of the study committee are: that the penalties required by the commercial motor vehicle safety act be applied to violations of 0.04% BAC; that drivers detected with BACs greater than zero but less than 0.04% be penalised with a licence revocation of up to 30 days for the first offence and from 30 days to one year for second and subsequent offences; that the BAC standard for commercial vehicle drivers should be zero and that penalties be graduated to match the offence. Total public and private costs of vigorous enforcement are estimated at about $30 million for a 0.10% BAC, $40 million for 0.04%, and $50 million for zero BAC.


C 14127 S /83 / IRRD 809561

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB, 1987, VII + 196 p., 181 ref.; Special Report SR ; No. 216 - ISSN 0360-859X / ISBN 0-309-04468-5

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