Zuidelijke invalsweg te Enschede : injektienaald tot in het centrum?

Oene, H.B. van

For the benefit of the viability of the modernized and enlarged centre of the city of Enschede, which also has to fulfil a regional function, a good attainableness is essential, for both public transport and motor traffic. For this purpose a southern approach road will be constructed. The southern approach road and an existing radial road will be joined near the centre; this road section will be discussed.

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B 18670 (In: B 18651 [electronic version only]) /21/72/ IRRD 255852

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen 1981, Driebergen, 13 - 14 mei 1981, p. 340-358, 8 fig., 4 ref.

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