Zurechnungsfähigkeit und Verkehrsunfall. Imputability and road accident.

Kaiser, G.

Legally anyone who is found guilty for causing an accident is prosecuted except when there exists immutability for one's own actions as in the case with mental handicapped. Anyone who has a driver license and therefore has had a medical examination is regarded as responsible. However some of these has a mental disease which is overlooked at the medical examination or which arose later. In Austria the law offers the possibility of withdrawing the license if there exists doubt. A medical examination has to follow, which can be extended to a psychological examination.

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B 646 (In: B 625 fo) /83 / IRRD 205021

In: Proceedings of the VIIth congress of the International Union of Associations of Doctor-Motorists (IUADM) on traffic medicine, held in Amsterdam, 20-23 May 1970; Arts en Auto, Vol. 36 (1970), No. 19 (10 oktober), p. 1546

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