A basic task performance assessment of roadway luminous environments

Blackwell, H.R. & Blackwell, O.M.

The work of Committee TC-3.1 of the CIE in recent years has been directed at developing methods for evaluating visual performance aspects of lighting. This report illustrates several methods for evaluating the task performance potential of roadway luminous environments based upon the current status of the Committee's work.

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1 + 13 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
B 13158 (In: B 13156) /85.2/

In: Measures of road light effectiveness : transactions of the 3rd International Symposium, Karlsruhe, July 5-6, 1977, p. 41-55, 16 graph., 1tab., 12 ref.

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