Pedestrian model parametric studies. Volume II.

Twigg, D.W. & Tocher, J.L.

A system of computer programs has been developed to simulate the injuries suffered by a pedestrian struck by an automobile. The system provides a semi-automatic search for safer hood/grille/bumper configurations and stiffnesses. After the software system was developed, a sequence of three major optimizations, interspersed with modelling changes to improve the accuracy of the simulations, was performed. Results from the optimisation series were used to help design full-scale impact tests using child and adult dummies. In turn, experimental measurements were used to improve the mathematical model of the impact simulator. The results of these studies have provided some insights Into vehicle design parameters which produce safer vehicles. This volume presents a detailed narrative of the project, recommendations, and suggested areas for further study.

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790801 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1977, 127 p., ref.; DOT HS 802 420

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