A study of cycle route signs and marking standards : an investigation into proposed design standards and signs for cycle facilities.

Gibson, R.A. & Holland, G.H.

This report describes the implementation of a draft standard for the design of cycle facilities along a section of the Ilam cycle route in Christchurch. Motorist and cyclist behaviour was observed before and after implementation, revealing a statistically significant increase in the separation of cycles and other vehicles. The results of a simple questionnaire survey of some interested groups (including cyclists) are also described. The report concludes with a discussion of the draft standard, with recommendations for changes to overcome some difficulties encountered during the Ilam cycle route trial. (Author/publisher)

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B 19335 /72/ IRRD 253491 [electronic version only]

Wellington, National Roads Boards, 1980, 64 p., fig., graph., tab.; RRU Bulletin No. 51 - ISSN 0549-0030

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