Vehicle occupant crash simulation using MADYMO Porsche Airbag 2 d.

Heinz, M. & Hoefs, R.

The Porsche airbag module is an extension of the MADYMO 2d simulation program version 4.0. It generates contact forces between the airbag and the contact cylinders and /or contact planes of the dummy or the vehicle interior respectively. The present paper gives examples of driver's and passenger's side airbag simulations with various parameters and an example of a child out- of- position simulation. Finally, the limits of airbag simulation in this program are explained.

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B 29029 (In: B 29020) /91 / IRRD 823696

In: Automotive Frontal Impacts. SAE Publication No.SP- 782. International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 27 - March 3, 1989, p.89- 108, 19 ref. SAE Paper No.890755.

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